
Conditions of participation

Cyrillic type designs and completed fonts created or released from 2014 to 2019 are eligible for the competition. Both original typefaces and legal localizations of existing Latin fonts are eligible.

The typefaces of the jury members and competition organisers are not eligible.

Participation in Modern Cyrillic is free.

There is no limit to the number of designs one may submit to the competition. Each work should be submitted separately and have its own registration code. Entries can be submitted both by designers and typeface manufacturers, including individuals and legal entities related to designing or publication of the typeface.

The competition has two stages. First, the selection сommittee reviews all submissions and selects a list of entries for the next round. Then the jury evaluates the selected fonts and chooses the winners. All typefaces from the list chosen by the selection committee take part in public voting.

Stages of the competition

Submitting entries
Public voting
Announcing the winners

The results will be published at on June 30, 2019. Winning typefaces will be awarded with honorary diplomas of Modern Cyrillic 2019, published in the catalog and shown at the traveling exhibition. The authors of the winning fonts will receive a copy of the catalog after its publication. In addition, the organisers and partners of the competition reserve the right to award their own prizes to selected designs among the ones recognised by the jury.

There's also an additional bonus — three special prizes from the most popular type design apps: FontLab, Glyphs & Robofont — a license for the latest versions of these editors.


There are three competition categories:
1. Display typefaces
Typefaces and type families for headings and shorter messages, phrases and words, including handwritten, calligraphic, decorative, initial styles, etc.
2. Text typefaces
Typefaces and type families for use in the composition of text for continuous reading
3. Type systems (including superfamilies)
Extended type families that include styles both for text and display. Superfamilies may include styles that fall into multiple typeface classifications that are designed to be used together, for example, serif and sans-serif.

The competition categories help organise entries for the jury’s convenience. The selection committee has the right to change the category if it does not correspond to the typeface design.

When submitting an entry, you should indicate whether it is an original type design or a legal Cyrillic extension of an existing Latin design.

also should indicate whether the entry is designed for publication (one can buy or legally download the font or the design is planned for sale or free distribution), or it is a custom typeface (commissioned by some customer and designed to meet the needs of the customer), or it is an experimental design (this category includes typefaces created rather to expand the boundaries of type design than for sale, student works, etc.).

In 2019 for the first time we divide the submissions by usage: typefaces primarily intended for printing, intended for viewing/reading on screen, and also the variable fonts. When submitting a typeface, the participant can choose how exactly his work will be presented to the jury: printed on paper, shown on screen in a web browser or both. In addition to a printout and/or web page, a video should be uploaded to show a variable font.


Typefaces are submitted to the competition using the electronic application form. The submission for “print” typeface should be a high-resolution A3 PDF (up to 12 pages for one entry), for “web” font it should be a web page or the webfont itself. For variable fonts a demo video should be uploaded to show a variable font.

The black-and-white images are preferred. Colour images are accepted if the use of colour is a significant feature of the submitted design.

To assure the objective judging the names of the typefaces, designers, clients, manufacturers or distributors must not appear anywhere in the presentation. Once the font is sent to the contest, it receives a registration code for its identification during the judging. The names of the typefaces chosen by the selection committee and the names of their authors will be revealed at the stage of the public voting.

When submitting a typeface to the competition, the participant can either use the template prepared by the organizers or make his own layout that adequately demonstrates the typeface without specifying the name of the typeface, designer, client, manufacturer or distributor. When uploading an entry, an unique registration code containing information about the categories selected by the participant will be placed automatically on each page of the layout.

The minimal character set for an experimental or custom design is the alphabet of any language of Cyrillic script in one case (for example, only uppercase or only lowercase letters). The minimal character set for other designs is: •!?@‚"#%$€£¥₽&§¶©(*).,:;…-/«»‘’‚“”„–—№0123456789¹²³+=−<>×÷ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz АБВГДЕЁЖЗИЙКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧШЩЪЫЬЭЮЯҐЃЄЋЂЉЊЌЎЏЅІЇЈ абвгдеёжзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюяґѓєћђљњќўџѕіїј

When uploading a PDF, please make sure that the file settings allow to print it in high resolution.

Responsibility of parties

The participants are entirely responsible for the legality of their designs. The designers of type are also responsible for making sure that their works do not infringe any third party rights. The organisers are not responsible for the accuracy of information provided by participants.

The organising committee of the contest ensures that the typefaces submitted for the contest will not be used for commercial purposes without the written permission of their designers and/or other right holders. The works submitted to the contest and their fragments may be published only for the purposes of information and advertising of the contest and only in formats that exclude the possibility of extracting the original digital typeface data in whole or in part. The web fonts uploaded by the participants will be placed on a closed server and will be available for viewing only by the jury, the selection committee and the organising committee. Raster images will be used for the public voting and demonstration of the contest results on the website.

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Contact details

For any questions about the competition and the terms of submission please contact the organising committee at or at our Facebook.